Title: JMM 2015 Logo - Description: Left-click to go to the full program for the 2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)


Activities, Demonstrations, and Projects that Enhance the Study of Undergraduate Geometry


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Part I:  8:00 AM – 10:15 AM          Part II:  1:00 PM – 4:15 PM


Organizer: Sarah Mabrouk, Framingham State University


This session invites presenters to share activities, demonstrations, and projects used to enhance the study of Euclidean or non-Euclidean geometry in undergraduate geometry courses; presentations related to differential geometry, (low-level) graduate courses, and the Pythagorean Theorem should not be submitted. Presentations should include information about related topics, preliminary material that must be examined with students, and objectives and expected outcomes. Presenters discussing activities and demonstrations are encouraged to perform the activity or give the demonstration, if time and equipment allow, and to discuss the appropriateness of the activity or demonstration for the course level, learning environment, and class size. Presenters discussing projects are encouraged to address how the project was conducted, presented, and evaluated, including grading issues, if any, and the rubric used to appraise student work. Each presenter is encouraged to discuss how the activity, demonstration, or project fits into the course as well as changes made over time, the use of technology, if any, student reaction, and the effect of the activity, demonstration, or project on the students’ understanding of related course material and geometry, in general.



Part I:  8:00 AM – 10:15 AM          Room 203B, San Antonio Convention Center


8:00 AM

Napoleon's Problem

Pat Touhey, Misericordia University



8:20 AM

Geometric Constructions Through Paper Folding

Ewelina S. McBroom, Southeast Missouri State University



8:40 AM

Locus Problems and Analytic Geometry

Peiyi Zhao, St. Cloud State University


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9:00 AM

Compass and Ruler Constructions Revisited

Marian F Anton, Central Connecticut State University



9:20 AM

Trisections in the Undergraduate Geometry Classroom

Teresa E. Moore, Ithaca College

L. Christine Kinsey, Canisius College



9:40 AM

Using a Dynamic Software Program to Develop Geometrical Theorems

Laura M. Singletary, Lee University



10:00 AM

Completing SET: Using the Card Game SET to Demonstrate How to Extend Finite Affine Geometry to Finite Projective Geometry

Douglas G Burkholder, Lenoir-Rhyne University



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Part II:  1:00 PM – 4:15 PM          Room 203B, San Antonio Convention Center


1:00 PM

Mathematics, Fractals & Fashion Design: A Student-Created Fractal Sculpture

Alice E Petillo, Marymount University



1:20 PM

Wooden You Like to Play with Some Penrose Tiles?

Josh Thompson, Northern Michigan University



1:40 PM

On the Use of Visual Mathematics

Andras Bezdek, Auburn University



2:00 PM

The Ruler Matters

Daniel Dobbs, Huntington University


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2:20 PM

Geometry via Student Proof Presentations

Mark A. Brown, MidAmerica Nazarene University



2:40 PM

Finding Treasure: Exploring Taxicab Geometry through a Game

Leah R Childers, Benedictine College



3:00 PM

Jack and the Beanstalk, Flintstone and Color Geometries: Teaching Finite Geometries in a Course for Secondary Education Mathematics Students

Ward Heilman, Bridgewater State University


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3:20 PM

Transformation Composition - A Concrete, Constructive Approach

Michael D Hvidsten, Gustavus Adolphus College



3:40 PM

Mini-Chapters for College Geometry

William E. Fenton, Bellarmine University



4:00 PM

Planar Hyperbolic Geometry through Inquiry

David Crombecque, University of Southern California


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This page was created and is maintained by S. L. Mabrouk, Framingham State University.

This page was last modified on Tuesday, December 30, 2014.