University Title IX Coordinator
The University Title IX Coordinator has primary responsibility for Title IX compliance at FSU. The coordinator also does intake of reports and complaints regarding sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking involving employees, visitors, vendors, and other 3rd parties and coordinates the investigatory process. The coordinator can assist in making adjustments to work situations as well as provide a victim's advocate.
Kim R. Dexter
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and Equal OpportunityDwight Hall, 207/324
100 State Street
Framingham, MA 01701
titleix [at]
Employee Assistance Program
FSU offers access to two Employee Assistance Programs ("EAP"), one for full-time employees and their household members and one for part-time employees and their household members. Both EAPs offer support and solutions for dealing with work/life issues big and small.
For confidential assistance call 844-263-1982 or visit (access code mass4you).
For confidential assistance call 800-451-1834.
In addition, part-time employees may access the AllOne Health Work/Life website, which contains a wealth of information and resources.
To find out more, logon to the: Work/Life Website.
(Please contact HR for password and login information.)
Domestic Violence Leave
"An Act Relative to Domestic Violence" provides employees with up to 15 days of leave annually if the employee, or a covered family member of the employee, is a victim of abusive behavior. In response, the University developed the following policy that provides more detailed information about employees’ entitlement to this leave.
Public Records Exemption
Under MA public records law, an employee's name, title, salary, and department are considered public information and FSU is required to provide that information upon request. Exemptions to this requirement exist for employees who are victims of adjudicated crimes or victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape. Family members of victims who also work for the state may also receive an exemption. The Payroll Public Records Exemption Form should be submitted directly to the University Title IX Coordinator in the Human Resources Office located in Dwight Hall suite 207. -
Local and Remote Resources
Local and remote resources are available to all members of our community.