- Professor Kelly Matthew's book, Brian Friel: Beginnings, is now available from Four Courts Press. Matthews has been working on the project for the past eight years.
- Wesleyan University Press has officially announced Dr. Rachel Trousdale's poetry collection, Five-Paragraph Essay on the Body-Mind Problem, as the inaugural winner of the Cardinal Poetry Prize! The manuscript was selected by three-time Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky from fifteen finalists, following an initial screening process of 428 manuscripts. Of the winning manuscript Pinsky said, “A rare gift in art is directness: to turn a clear, unsentimental gaze on love and grief in all their variations, with no smokey or mysterioso evasions. Almost as valuable is meaningful surprise, the stunned laughter of recognition even if the subject for marvel is loss. The heartfelt, unpredictable poems of Rachel Trousdale attain that kind of discovery."
- English Department Visiting Lecturer Dr. Lucas Dietrich’s book, Writing Across the Color Line: U.S. Print Culture and the Rise of Ethnic Literature, 1877-1920, will be published on June 26 and available for purchase after July 1. Here is the link from UMass Press: https://www.umass.edu/umpress/title/writing-across-color-line
- Professor Ani Gjika, a Visiting Lecturer in the English Department, has published two translated books of poems: Kosovar poet’s Xhevdet Bajraj’s Emergency Exit, and Julia Gjika’s Memories Pretend to Sleep. Xhevdet Bajraj has lived in exile in Mexico since the Kosovo war in 1997. Julia Gjika, Professor Gjika’s mother, belongs to the first generation of Albanian women poets. The first of her four poetry collections, Birthday, was published in 1971. Julia Gjika has lived in the United States since 1996. Here is a link to the publisher’s website: http://www.laertesbooks.org/egret-chapbooks
- Current Gatepost Editor-in-Chief Sophia Harris '25 was hired as a full-time reporter for The Lynn Daily Item for the summer, and they were so wowed by her they promoted her to serving as the main reporter for the weekly newspaper in Marblehead. Then they asked if she could recommend candidates from Framingham State’s journalism program when they were hiring for two full-time positions at their affiliated newspapers and if she would participate in interviewing all the candidates—again, because they found her to be so impressive. The end result of those searches is that recent FSU alums Emily Rosenberg '24 and Adam Levine '24 were hired and are finishing their first very successful month working for The Item newspaper chain.
- The Society of Professional Journalists recognizes the best collegiate journalism in Region 1 with 2023 Mark of Excellence Awards winners. The Gatepost was recognized as a finalist in the categories of:
- Editorial/Opinion Writing, Editorial Staff
- Columns — by Leighah Beausoleil '23
- Feature Photography for Whipping up some fun — by Maddison Behringer '24
- The Gatepost won four awards in the New England Newspaper and Press Association’s Better Newspaper Competition on March 23. NENPA is the professional trade organization for newspapers in the six New England states. The awards in the college division of the competition were for material published during the 2022-23 academic year.
- The Gatepost won second place in the New England College Newspaper of the Year contest. Bowdoin College’s The Bowdoin Orient won first place; Boston University’s The Daily Free Press won third place. This is the second year in a row NENPA has recognized The Gatepost as one of New England’s best college newspapers.
- The Gatepost won second place for Editorial Writing. Keene State College’s The Equinox won first place; The Daily Free Press won third place.
- Leighah Beausoleil, ’23, won third place in the In-Depth Reporting category. Quinnipiac College’s The Quinnipiac Chronicle won first place; University of New Hampshire’s The New Hampshire won second place.
- McKenzie Ward, ’23, won third place for column writing for “An Unethical Solution,” published on February 3, 2023.
- We are delighted to share that Sofia Wilson '24 (English/PoliSci double major; Digital Humanities Minor) has just accepted a Globalink Research Internship awarded by MITACS (Canada) to work for Dr. Janelle Jenstad at the University of Victoria, British Columbia for Summer 2024. This award is highly competitive and draws from an international pool of applicants. Sofia was first vetted by the U.S. Fulbright system before going through the Mitacs process. She ranked projects she wanted to work on when she applied. Once she qualified, her application was forwarded to project leaders. Ultimately, Sofia received TWO offers and I am delighted beyond measure that she has accepted Dr. Jenstad's offer to work with her at UVic!