Meet President Niemi
A Letter from the President
Dear Friend,
Thank you for considering Framingham State University. For 185 years, we have been part of the education community of Massachusetts—in fact, we are the nation’s oldest public university initially founded for the education of teachers. You might say that education for everyone is part of our DNA. Now, we carry on the tradition of providing extraordinary education to students who want to be biologists and food chemists, business owners and American Sign Language translators, fashion designers and history teachers—in short, we offer educational opportunities to anyone who wants to learn more about how to contribute to their communities, their families, and their passions. Framingham State’s mission has always been to democratize access to a first-rate education.
Offering education to serve the public good was visionary when we were formed, and now, more than ever, we embrace that vision. It’s the power of a being a public university that allows us to impact our students in a way that dramatically changes who they are and who they can become. This power to embrace the unique Framingham community we live and learn in offers a rich learning landscape and endless network of opportunities for our students.
We offer over 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, business, and professional fields. With our primary focus on student success, we aim to provide a deeply supportive learning environment that is small enough to be personal and collaborative, yet large and diverse enough to broaden students’ understanding of themselves and the world.
It’s our connection to our wider community, though, that really sets FSU apart: our Framingham, MetroWest, and Greater Boston relationships are what identify us, and it is through them that we become something special. Our outstanding internship program capitalizes on our location in the heart of MetroWest, amid Fortune 500 companies as well as nonprofits—both kinds of work experiences help our students understand where they want to contribute their energy. And our faculty and staff—how much time do you have? They are devoted to the idea that education changes lives and through their teaching, advising, and scholarship, and through warm and challenging activities that offer potential for leadership and fun, they demonstrate their commitment to Framingham State as a place where visions for the future become reality.
At FSU, it does not matter if students commute or live on campus; it does not matter if students have a long family history of college attendance or none at all. The only thing that matters is how we can help students learn. We know that no one is second class, you’re never too old to learn, and that the highest quality education is for everyone.
I look forward to meeting you.
Dr. Nancy S. Niemi
President, Framingham State University
President Nancy S. Niemi
nniemi [at]
Katie Hebert
Executive Assistant
khebert [at]
Telephone: 508-626-4575
Fax: 508-626-4002
Office of the President
Dwight Hall 309
Framingham State University
100 State Street
PO Box 9101
Framingham, MA 01701-9101