What are the student employment eligibility guidelines at FSU?
- Check out the Student Employment Acknowledgement form.
What is a Federal work-study?
- Federal Work-Study is money granted by the federal government through the FSU Financial Aid Department that is included in your financial aid package. You can redeem these funds by part time work at an on-campus job.
Where/How do I find out if I have a work-study or not?
- Log in to myframingham.com and click accounts. Search for the box titled Financial Aid Information. Click the hyperlink that says Review Account Details of Financial Aid Transactions. Once you are redirected to your financial aid information, click the tab that is labeled Awards. There, you should find a breakdown of all the financial aid granted to you for the school year.
An example would be: Federal Work-Study yes X__ No___ $1800
If you have a Federal Work-study what should you do to find a job?
- The best way to look for a work-study job is to create your profile on Handshake (the FSU online job, work study and internship database) and look through the work study postings there. Or, make an appointment with the Career Development Office, Room 412 McCarthy Center, for help with finding a work study, on-campus job. Call the Career Development Office at 508-626-4615, or make an appointment via starfish.framingham.edu. The Career Development Office does not "give out" work study jobs. We are a resource to help you find one. Additionally, the Career Development team will help you write a resume and cover letter, polish your interview skills, and help you with your internship and career plan.
Here is a sampling of the on campus departments that hire work study students:
- Peer Mentor or Office Assistants at CASA
- Office Assistant at the Registrar’s Office
- Circulation Desk Assistant at the Whittemore Library
- Set-up Crew for Campus Events
- Office Assistants at the Career Development Office
- Grounds crew for Facilities
- Desk Attendants at the Campus Police
- Facility Manager at the Athletics Department
- Lab Assistant in Biology/Chemistry Department
- Check HANDSHAKE for more openings
What should you do if you feel you should have received work study funding but didn’t?
- There is an appeal procedure. Visit the Students Services Center, McCarthy Center Room 515 and request an appeal form. Often, your appeal will be successful as some students do not accept their work study which opens up spots for other students.
What should you do if you have not been awarded Federal Work Study funding but still need a job?
- Sodexo is the largest non-work study employer on campus, hiring more than 100 students each year. In addition, there are 100’s of local jobs within a 5-mile radius of campus, many are listed on Handshake. You can also look for a non-work-study position on campus through Handshake.
Examples of non-work-study positions are:
- Front Desk Receptionist in the Admissions Office
- Cashiers at the Campus Bookstore
- Set up or Tech Crew for Campus Events
- Tutors in CASA
- Student Shuttle Drivers for Facilities
- Student Support Technician for ITS
- On-Campus Internships
- Staff Photographer for the Comm. Department
- Security Desk Attendant for Residence Life
Tier Navigation
- Jobs and Internship Strategies
- Work Study Jobs