Important Update For Salem End Lot: Due to the construction taking place in Salem End Lot the parking there will be limited, additionally there will be no shuttle running to the Salem End Lot. The Shuttle will only run to and from Maple Lot, Athletic Lots 1, 2, & 3, and Union Lot on a regular basis for the Spring 2025 semester. Please see the Parking FAQ on the University’s SharePoint site for more information, and be sure to check your email for updates.
Student Information
Permits ordering is open for all permit types. Please note that there are major changes to both pricing and parking lot locations for both Residents and Commuter students and all students are advised to read over the Parking Rules and Regulations to minimize confusion going into the Fall semester.
Only if you have a valid FSU Resident student decal on your vehicle. Please note that Resident students are now divided into two categories: Freshmen and Upperclassmen. Please see the Resident Students section below for more information on what determines if you are a Freshmen or if you are an Upperclassmen as it is based on your completed number of course credits and not the number of years you have attended the University.
Please go to: to order your permit. Please note you will need your Banner ID, Driver’s License, and Vehicle Information to order your permit.
When you go to order a permit if you are a new user you will need to click login, then select Register New Account. You will enter your Banner ID number where it asks for your Id number. This is a 9-digit number that can be found on the front of your FSU ID. You will not be able to log in until after you have verified your email account by clicking on a link sent to your email address. This email can take up to an hour to arrive in your inbox, but typically arrives much faster. If you are unable to register your account please email parking [at] with your Banner ID number and what type of permit you should be able to order and they will assist you.
Any resident student without a permit who wishes to obtain a resident student parking permit may apply for a permit here:
Please note that all parking permits are issued on a first-come-first-serve basis. Parking spaces and permits are limited due to set numbers of parking spaces available. You will need to pay for permits up front when ordering online.
Please be sure the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. Please note that there will be changes to Resident parking this year.
What determines if you are a Freshmen Student or an Upperclassmen Student: Your status as a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior is determined by how many completed course credits you have on your file. You will be considered a Freshmen if you have less than 8 completed Course Credits on your file regardless of how many years you have been at the University. If you have 8 or more Completed Course Credits on your file you will be considered an Upperclassmen and will be marked as such in the parking system.
Freshmen Residents will only be allowed to park in the Union Lot. No other parking lots will be permitted to be used on campus. There will be a shuttle that runs to and from Union on a regular basis, please see Transportation Services for information on the shuttle schedule. Union Lot is located at 550 Union Ave.
Upperclassmen Resident students will be allowed to park in both Union Lot and Maynard Lot. No other parking lots will be permitted to be used on campus.
Any returning or new commuter student without a permit who wishes to obtain a commuter student parking permit may do so by purchasing a permit here: All commuter students are guaranteed a parking permit.
Please be sure that the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. Commuter student’s permit description will appear as “Commuter” and the lot assignment will appear as “Maple Lot & Salem End Lot.”
Any returning or new DGCE student without a permit who wishes to obtain a commuter student parking permit may apply for a permit here: All DGCE students are guaranteed a parking permit.
Please be sure the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. DGCE student’s permit description and lot assignment will appear as “DGCE Student.”
DGCE students are to park in Maple Lot, Salem End Lot, or the Athletic Lots during the day. Starting at 5:00pm DGCE students may also park in the O’Connor Lot and Normal Hill Lot.
All Carpool Pass members must have a valid FSU Permit for the current academic school year. Any Carpool requests submitted with one or more vehicle without a valid FSU Permit registered will be rejected until all vehicles on the request are registered for a permit and the request is resubmitted by the requestors. If approved you will be able to pick up your Carpool pass from University Police. The pass will be printed on special paper that cannot be photocopied and will be laminated. All Carpool passes are valid for one semester only.
Carpool spaces are limited and issued on a first come first serve bases. The Carpool lot is located in the Church Lot, next to the Ecumenical Center. Please note that there are spaces specifically marked for Medical Parking, these spaces are not for Carpool use. If there are no spaces available for parking in the Church Lot then you must park in your normally assigned lot.
Only one vehicle may be parked at a time in the Church Lot using the Carpool pass, and both your Carpool pass and FSU Hang-Tag must be clearly displayed to avoid possible ticketing and towing. To obtain a Carpool Pass please apply here: Carpool Pass Application
To sign up for a parking permit use this link:
You must provide all information requested to complete the application. Please be sure all information entered is accurate and correct before submitting. You will need to know your Banner/student ID number, vehicle make, vehicle model, vehicle type, license plate number, and driver's license number.
Any resident student without a permit who wishes to obtain a resident student parking permit may apply starting July 15th, 2024. Please note that all parking permits are issued on a first-come-first-serve basis. Parking spaces and permits are limited due to set numbers of parking spaces available. You will need to pay for permits up front when ordering online.
Please be sure the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. Please note that there will be changes to Resident parking this year.
Freshmen Residents will only be allowed to park in the Union Lot. No other parking lots will be permitted to be used on campus.
Upperclassmen Resident students will be allowed to park in both Union Lot and Maynard Lot. No other parking lots will be permitted to be used on campus.
As part of the changes to parking this year Freshmen Residents will only be allowed to park in the Union Lot, and Upperclassmen Resident students will be allowed to park in both Union Lot and Maynard Lot. No other parking lots will be permitted to be used on campus.
Your status as a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior is determined by how many completed course credits you have on your file. You will be considered a Freshmen if you have less than 8 completed Course Credits on your file. If you have 8 or more Completed Course Credits on your file you will be considered an Upperclassmen and will be marked as such in the parking system.
If when you go to order your permit online it says you are a Freshmen but you believe you should be a Upperclassmen please follow these steps:
1) Do not order your permit if you think it is the wrong type, it is harder to correct your permit if you order the wrong type as permits mail out through a 3rd party company.
2) Email parking [at] (parking[at]framingham[dot]edu) with your Banner ID and your name, explaining that you are marked as a freshman and not an upperclassman.
3) While you are waiting for your permit type to be corrected please go to University Police with your vehicle information and they will issue you a temporary pass so you do not get a citation.
Please note that students who have less than 8 course credits with the university are considered Freshmen, even if you have been with the university for multiple years. Your status as a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior is determined by how many completed course credits you have on your file. Parking will email the Registrar's office to confirm how many credits you have on your account, if you have the minimum 8 credits they will be able to correct your permit type to the upperclassmen permit type. If you do not have the minimum 8 credits you will need to order a freshmen permit.
IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR SPRING 2025: Due to the ongoing construction taking place in the Salem End Lot parking will be limited in the Salem End Lot. Additionally, the shuttle will not be stopping at the Salem End Lot while construction is taking place. The shuttle will still run to the Maple Lot and Athletic Lots 1,2, 3.
Commuters may park in: Salem End Lot, Maple Lot, and the Athletic Lots. There are shuttles that run to Maple Lot and the Athletic Lots lots on a regular basis.
Any returning or new commuter student without a permit who wishes to obtain a commuter student parking permit may apply here:
All commuter students are guaranteed a parking permit who order one.
Please be sure that the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. Commuter student’s permit description will appear as “Commuter” and the lot assignment will appear as “Maple Lot & Salem End Lot.”
IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR SPRING 2025: Due to the ongoing construction taking place in the Salem End Lot parking will be limited in the Salem End Lot. Additionally, the shuttle will not be stopping at the Salem End Lot while construction is taking place. The shuttle will still run to the Maple Lot and Athletic Lots 1,2, 3.
Any returning or new DGCE student without a permit who wishes to obtain a commuter student parking permit may apply for a permit here:
All DGCE students are guaranteed a parking permit who apply for one, please note that DGCE permits do not cost anything.
Please be sure the permit description and lot assignment are correct before submitting your parking permit order. DGCE student’s permit description and lot assignment will appear as “DGCE Student.”
DGCE students are to park in Maple Lot, Salem End Lot, or the Athletic Lots during the day. Starting at 4:00pm DGCE students may also park in the O’Connor Lot and Normal Hill Lot in addition to the Maple Lot, Salem End Lot or the Athletic Lots.
To sign up for a parking permit use this link:
You must provide all information requested to complete the application. Please be sure all information entered is accurate and correct before submitting. You will need to know your Banner/student ID number, vehicle make, vehicle model, vehicle type, license plate number, and driver's license number.
This site is the same site to order your permit regardless if you are a student, faculty, staff member, or contract employee.
When ordering a permit, you will have two options, either a single semester permit or full year permit.
A full year permit is valid from September 1st, 2024 through August 31st 2025.
The Fall Semester will be valid September 1st, 2024 through December 31st, 2024.
The Spring Semester* will be valid January 1st, 2025 through August 31st, 2025.
- Please note that the Spring semester permits will only be available for purchase starting December 20, 2024 and cannot be ordered far in advance.
Resident Permits will cost $200 for the Full Year or $100 for a Single Semester.
Commuter Permits will cost $100 for the Full Year or $50 for a Single Semester.
Resident Student Permit Refund (Full Year)
July 4, 2024 - September 12, 2024 | $200.00 Refund |
September 13, 2024 - October 31, 2024 | $175.00 Refund |
November 1, 2022 - January 24, 2023 | $120.00 Refund |
January 25, 2025 – March 31, 2025 | $25.00 Refund |
April 1, 2025 - and after | No Refund |
Resident Student Permit Refund (Fall Single Semester)
July 4, 2024 - September 12, 2024 | $100.00 Refund |
September 13, 2024 - October 31, 2024 | $75.00 Refund |
November 1, 2024 - November 27, 2024 | $50.00 Refund |
November 28, 2024 – December 11, 2025 | $75.00 Refund |
December 12, 2025 - and after | No Refund for Fall Permits |
Resident Student Permit Refund (Spring Single Semester)
January 1, 2025 - January 28, 2025 | $100.00 Refund |
January 29, 2025 - March 1, 2025 | $75.00 Refund |
March 2, 2025 - March 31, 2025 | $50.00 Refund |
April 1, 2025 – May 9, 2025 | $25.00 Refund |
May 10, 2025 - and after | No Refund for Spring Permits |
Commuter Student Permit Refund (Full Year)
July 4, 2024 - September 12, 2024 | $100.00 Refund |
September 13, 2024 - October 31, 2024 | $75.00 Refund |
November 1, 2024 - January 24, 2025 | $50.00 Refund |
January 25, 2025 – March 31, 2025 | $25.00 Refund |
April 1, 2025 - and after | No Refund |
Commuter Student Permit Refund (Fall Single Semester)
July 4, 2024 - September 12, 2024 | $50.00 Refund |
September 13, 2024 - October 31, 2024 | $37.50 Refund |
November 1, 2024 - November 27, 2024 | $25.00 Refund |
November 28, 2024 – December 11, 2024 | $12.50 Refund |
December 12, 2024 - and after | No Refund for Fall Permits |
Commuter Student Permit Refund (Spring Semester)
January 1, 2025 - January 28, 2025 | $50.00 Refund |
September 13, 2024 - October 31, 2024 | $75.00 Refund |
January 29, 2025 - March 1, 2025 | $37.50 Refund |
March 2, 2025 - March 31, 2025 | $25.00 Refund |
April 1, 2025 - May 9, 2025 | $12.50 Refund |
May 10, 2025 - and after | No Refund for Spring Permits |
Please direct questions and concerns to parking [at] (parking[at]framingham[dot]edu) or call 508-626-4911.
- Yes, there is sufficient parking provided to commuter students.
- There are two commuter parking lots available on campus: Maple Road Lot and Salem End Parking Lot.
- Students should plan on arriving at least a half hour to forty-five minutes prior to their class in order to find parking and give themselves enough time to get to class.
- Please make yourself familiar with the location and procedure in order to utilize the Commuter Overflow Parking Area:
- You may use either the Athletic Lots or The Bowditch Field Overflow Parking. The Bowditch Field Parking area provides an additional 125 parking spaces to commuter students when and if all other commuter lots are filled to capacity (usually only occurs within the first few weeks of each semester).
- Bowditch Field is located on Walnut Street in Framingham, less than one-quarter mile from the FSU Union Avenue Resident Student Parking Lot.
- When you order your permit online you are automatically emailed a 2 week pass you can print and put on your dashboard while you wait for your permit to arrive in the mail.
- If you still do not have your hang-tag by the time your temporary pass expires bring your confirmation email, as well as your vehicle registration to University Police, located in the rear of the McCarthy Center.
- University Police will issue you a temporary parking pass for your dashboard if your printed pass has expired.
- If you do not receive your permit in the mail within 3 weeks after ordering please fill out the Lost/Damaged Permit Replacement Form and order a new permit, as your permit may have been lost in the mail.
Please note that there is a $15 dollar re-order fee for permits that need to be reissued, this is not a fee that can be waived once the three-week mark has passed. If you have not received your permit in the mail by the time your temporary permit has expired you need to email parking [at] to let them know.
If you have a new car you can transfer your hang-tag to the new vehicle, please update your vehicle information on your account at
If your vehicle is going into the shop for repairs and you are going to be utilizing another vehicle for a short period of time, we still recommend putting the temporary vehicle's information on your account as mentioned above. If you forgot your hang-tag in your vehicle please go to University Police to obtain a temporary parking pass.
You must have the registration information of the vehicle you will be utilizing while your car is being fixed in order to obtain a temporary pass.
Please go to University Police in order to fill out a form stating why you need a new permit or are returning your permit. After this paperwork is submitted you may go online and order a new permit; please be advised there is a $15 reorder fee for a new hang-tag. This fee can only be waived if you have a copy of a police report stating your vehicle was totaled. Once you have submitted your paperwork/ordered your new permit you can get a temporary parking pass for your vehicle for up to 2 weeks.
If you are unable to bring your permit to University Police in person then you may also go online and fill out the Lost/Damaged Permit Replacement Form found in the Parking Section of the University's Website. When filling out the Lost/Damaged Permit Replacement Form please explain what happened in the text field and select Yes if you will be going online to order a new permit, or No if you no longer need your permit. Your form will be processed and you will need to order a new permit online if reordering a permit. Please note that if you order a new permit replacement and your old hang-tag is found on another vehicle on campus you will be subject to the Parking Rules & Regulations and this may result in the loss of your parking rights. Please ensure that you are only ordering a new hang-tag if you truly have lost or damaged your current hang-tag. If you find your old hang-tag and have ordered a new hang-tag please return the hang-tag to University Police.
Please note you will need to go online to to order a new permit. Submitting the Lost/Damaged Permit Form will not automatically order you a new one.
IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR SPRING 2025: Due to the ongoing construction taking place in the Salem End Lot parking will be limited in the Salem End Lot. If the lot is full on the weekend you must park your car in your normal designated lot of Maynard Lot or Union Lot, you are not permitted to park elsewhere on campus.
No, students are never allowed to park in lots other than there assigned lots. Vehicles parked anywhere other than the lots they are assigned to be parked in are subject to being ticketed and towed.
These lots include but are not limited to: Normal Hill, A-Zone, O'Connor Hall, Bement, the Welcome Center Lot, Adams Lot, and Linsley Lot.
While there is ample parking for everyone, this is only true if everyone follows there parking assignments. Please see the sections relevant to your status in the University to learn where you should be parking, and if you have any questions you can always contact parking [at] (parking[at]framingham[dot]edu) to help you learn more about your designated lot assignment.
The only exception to this is that Residents students may park in Salem End Lot on the weekend starting at 3pm on Friday. However you Must move your car back to your designated lot by 11pm on Sunday or you risk being ticketed and towed. Please note if you do not have a valid FSU Permit on your car you will need to go to University Police to get a temporary pass.
- Written proof from a physician showing the need for special medical parking must be provided to the FSU Health Services Department. They can be contacted at 508-626-4900.
- Health Services will decide whether or not your situation fits the appropriate criteria for medical parking.
- Medical parking does not allow you to park in handicapped parking spaces.
- Medical parking is located in Maple Commuter Lot, where the shuttle bus picks up and drops off. Medical spaces allow you to park close to the shuttle stop, allowing for ease of access to a shuttle.
Please note that a medical pass does not allow you to park anywhere on campus except the lot written on the pass and your otherwise normal designated lot. Students who park in lots not assigned to them are still subject to ticketing and towing.
Parking Citation and Enforcement
Payment must be made by Check or Money Order. Write your Ticket number and Plate number on the front of your Check or Money Order to ensure proper credit.
Pay and Mail to:
Framingham State University
Processing Center
PO Box 2085
Tarrytown NY 10591-9085
PAY IN PERSON: At the office of the Parking Clerk, located across from Pierce Hall mailroom, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm. No cash/Only Certified Check or Money Order, made payable to Framingham State University. Important: If ticket has been reported to the RMV, payment must be made in full before the Registry release forms are available through the Parking Clerks Office.
**Note - these fields are mandatory, if you do not know what value to put in these fields please contact the Parking Clerk's Office (508-626-4526 or parkingclerk [at] (parkingclerk[at]framingham[dot]edu)) for instructions before continuing.
Citation Amounts effective July 31, 2023 are:
Fire Lane Violation: $100
Handicap Violation: $150
Restricted/Prohibited Area: $40
Snow Removal/Snow Ban: $50
15 Minute Space Violation: $35
Obstructing Walkway/Access Ramp: $75
Any citation type not listed will start at $40 and can increase from there. Fines are subject to change.
The state and town tickets issued by our police department are both very real. Failure to pay ticket fees will result in accrual of late fees on the original amount owed, as well as the ticket(s) being turned over to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
The registry will not allow a person to renew their license or vehicle registration once this occurs.
All appeals must be submitted in writing on the required form or online within 21 days of the ticket's issue date Submit your reason for appeal along with supporting documentation. All decisions of the Hearing Officer are final.
Appeal Online:
Appeal In Person: Complete the required form available in the Parking Clerks Office or Campus Police Office.
Appeal by Mail: Mail your appeal form along with supporting documentation to:
Framingham State University
Processing Center
PO Box 2085
Tarrytown, NY 10591-9085
**Note - these fields are mandatory, if you do not know what value to put in these fields please contact the Parking Clerks Office (508-626-4526 or parkingclerk [at] (parkingclerk[at]framingham[dot]edu)) for instructions before continuing.
Faculty/Staff, Contractor, Part Time Information
IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR SPRING 2025: Due to the ongoing construction taking place in the Salem End Lot parking will be limited in the Salem End Lot. Additionally, the shuttle will not be stopping at the Salem End Lot while construction is taking place. The shuttle will still run to the Maple Lot and Athletic Lots 1,2, 3.
Starting at 4:00pm on weekdays Contractors, Part Time Faculty/Staff may park on the upper campus. The lots usable after 4:00pm include Normal Hill, Adams Road Lot, Linsley Lot, Bement Lot, and O'Connor Rear Lot.
Prior to 4:00pm Contractors must park in Athletic Lot 1, 2 or 3.
Prior to 4:00pm Part Time Faculty/Staff must park in Salem End Lot or Athletic Lot 1 & 2.
Employees of the University may have up to 10 vehicles registered to there hang-tags. If you need an additional hang-tag you can order one through the permit portal, if you encounter issues ordering a second permit please contact parking [at] for assistance.
Please note if you are an employee for the University you should not be charged for a permit, while the portal may ask you for payment information your total should be $0.00 or show No Charge. If you see an amount that is more than zero dollars please do not pay that amount, contact %20parking [at] (parking[at]framingham[dot]edu) and they will look into the issue.
To sign up for a parking permit use this link:
You must provide all information requested to complete the application. Please be sure all information entered is accurate and correct before submitting. You will need to know your Banner/student ID number, vehicle make, vehicle model, vehicle type, license plate number, and driver's license number.
This site is the same site to order your permit regardless if you are a student, faculty, staff member, or contract employee.
Please go online and order a new permit using the same portal that you originally ordered your permit through, if you are unable to do so please contact parking [at] (parking[at]framingham[dot]edu) and they will assist you.
Upon ordering a new hang-tag you should be emailed a new temporary pass that you can print out and place on your dashboard. If you have issues receiving this email or are having issues ordering your permit online, please go to University Police to obtain a temporary parking pass.
- When you order your permit online you are automatically emailed a 2 week pass you can print and put on your dashboard while you wait for your permit to arrive in the mail.
- If you still do not have your hang-tag by the time your temporary pass expires bring your confirmation email, as well as your vehicle registration to University Police, located in the rear of the McCarthy Center.
- University Police will issue you a temporary parking pass for your dashboard if your printed pass has expired.
- If you do not receive your permit in the mail within 4 weeks after ordering please fill out the Lost/Damaged Permit Replacement Form and order a new permit, as your permit may have been lost in the mail.
To get a medical pass please reach out to HR, they will assist you with the authorization process. Once approved they will send over the paperwork to Parking and a medical pass will be generated at that time.
Carpool passes are for Commuter, DGCE students, and FSU Employees only. FSU Residents are not eligible for Carpool passes at this time. To obtain a Carpool pass two or more people must sign up for the same pass using the Carpool Pass Application which can be also be found on the front page of the University Police SharePoint page.
All Carpool Pass members must have a valid FSU Permit for the current academic school year. Any Carpool requests submitted with one or more vehicle without a valid FSU Permit registered will be rejected until all vehicles on the request are registered for a permit and the request is resubmitted by the requestors. If approved you will be able to pick up your Carpool pass from University Police. The pass will be printed on special paper that cannot be photocopied and will be laminated. All Carpool passes are valid for one semester only.
Carpool spaces are limited and issued on a first come first serve bases. The Carpool lot is located in the Church Lot, next to the Ecumenical Center. Please note that there are spaces specifically marked for Medical Parking, these spaces are not for Carpool use. If there are no spaces available for parking in the Church Lot then you must park in your normally assigned lot.
Only one vehicle may be parked at a time in the Church Lot using the Carpool pass, and both your Carpool pass and FSU Hang-Tag must be clearly displayed to avoid possible ticketing and towing.
Please use the Faculty/Staff Visitor Parking Pass Request form, found on the University Police SharePoint page. Once you fill out the form Parking will approve or deny the request. If approved, you will receive a PDF you can print out and place on your guest's dashboard during there visit.
If you do not get your pass approved by the time your guest is on campus, please have them go to University Police with there vehicle information and they can obtain a written pass in person. Please note while University Police is open 24/7 the parking email and request forms are not monitored 24/7 so it is best to submit all visitor pass requests 48 hours in advance.