Dr. Guadalupe-Díaz’s research and teaching interests lie broadly within the areas of queer criminology, victimization, and social inequalities. Specifically, his research focuses on intimate partner violence (IPV) within LGBTQ communities with a focus on transgender IPV. He’s the author of Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives (2019) and is co- editor of Transgender Intimate Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Introduction (2020) both by New York University Press. Dr. Guadalupe-Díaz serves as an expert for the Crime & Justice Research Alliance, on the research board for Esperanza United, and on the editorial board for the SAGE journal Violence against Women. His recent work is featured in the journals Interpersonal Violence, Homicide Studies, Critical Criminology, and the Journal of Homosexuality and appears in The Washington Post, Business Insider, CNN’s Forensic Files, and other media outlets. In 2018, he was awarded the FSU Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity. Dr. Guadalupe-Díaz earned his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Central Florida and an MS and BS in sociology at Virginia Commonwealth University.


(508) 626-4866


O'Connor Hall


Sociology & Criminology Department