Food & Nutrition

I came to FSU with little direction other than a vague interest in food. After my first year, everything changed. Organic Chemistry with Dr. Bell changed how I thought about everything related to the STEM field, and how I looked at the world. Persevering through difficult classes made me realize that I love science and that I'm happy where I am as a student at FSU. The remarkable faculty within the Food and Nutrition Department helped further my love of science and even added in a newfound desire to help others through diet counseling.

I joined a residence hall council in my dorm freshman year, and later became a resident assistant. I found this experience to be life changing. I felt connected to both the campus as a whole and the resident students I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. I always say that it is one of the best choices I made while at FSU.

It is always a great day to be a Ram.