Online Professional Development for Educators (1-Credit)

Spring 2025 Courses

Spring 2025 (January 13 - February 7) 
Online / One credit (or semester hour)/22.5 PDPs 
Cost: $225.00 per course

Course Credit Notes: 

At Framingham State University we report coursework on a per course basis.  Each graduate course that is part of a degree program is four credits and is shown on the student transcript as “1.0”.  Courses that are less than four credits are shown as a portion of “1.0”.  A three credit course is “.75”, a two credit course is “.5” and a one credit course is “.25”. There is a short definition of this method on the reverse side of an official transcript issued by our Registrar’s Office.

 Register Here 

College of Distinction: 24 - 25 - Education

CRN# 21386           

Instructor: Donna Criswell       


CRN# 21387          

Instructor: Donna Criswell


CRN# 21388          

Instructor: Robin Robinson


CRN# 21389          

Instructor: Jeffrey Weinstein


CRN# 21390          

Instructor: Shannon Call


CRN# 21391          

Instructor: Shannon Call


CRN# 21392          

Instructor: Caroline Maloney


CRN# 21393          

Instructor: Caroline Maloney


CRN# 21394          

Instructor: Caroline Maloney


CRN# 21395          

Instructor: Caroline Maloney


CRN# 21396          

Instructor: Caroline Maloney


CRN# 21397          

Instructor: Brenda Hagan


CRN# 21398          

Instructor: Brenda Hagan


CRN# 21399          

Instructor: Karen McGrail


CRN# 21400          

Instructor: Lynnea Spencer


CRN# 21401          

Instructor: Katherine Scheidler


Language and Cultural Topics (2-credits)

Spring 2025

Framingham State University offers semester-long courses for educators on applied language learning and cultural topics. These courses are taught online with synchronous Zoom meetings throughout the year to allow educators to practice new skills and interact with their peers and instructors. All the courses count for 2-graduate credits and cost only $450. 

Course Credit Notes: 
At Framingham State University we report coursework on a per course basis.  Each graduate course that is part of a degree program is four credits and is shown on the student transcript as “1.0”.  Courses that are less than four credits are shown as a portion of “1.0”.  A three-credit course is “.75”, a two-credit course is “.5” and a one-credit course is “.25”. There is a short definition of this method on the reverse side of an official transcript issued by our Registrar’s Office.

 Register Here 

CRN# 21420           

Instructor: Adriana Vega Mackler


CRN# 21419           

Instructor: Adriana Alcina Gomez


CRN# 21417           

Instructor: Marco Tulio Bittencourt


CRN# 21418           

Instructor: Marco Tulio Bittencourt


Professional Development for Educators (Non-Credit)

Danforth Professional Development for Educators

Using Art and Art Museums in Early Childhood Curriculum

02/20/25 – 02/21/25

 Register Here 


Communication & Literacy Skills MTEL Prep Workshop

Dates: January 6, 9, 13, 16 & 23 2025

Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Location: Virtual

Costs: $200.00

 Register Here 


Contact Us

Elena Arranz Alonso

Elena Arranz Alonso

Associate Dean, DGCE Staff
Heather Welsh

Heather Welsh

Administrative Assistant, Office of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education