Program & Admissions Requirements
The program requires successful completion of ten (10) courses, which include three (3) core courses, and seven (7) concentration courses. A comprehensive examination is required as the student’s culminating experience.
- MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics
- MATH 999 Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics
- Five (5) additional courses are approved in writing by the student’s advisor.
The student is expected to develop competencies in the following areas: analysis, algebra, geometry, discrete mathematics, and probability and statistics.
- Complete the online graduate admission application
- Have earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
- Applicants must have received a bachelor’s degree with a minimum 3.00 GPA from a regionally accredited college/university and must submit all official college-level transcripts. Applicants who studies outside of the United State must submit official transcripts and a course-by-course evaluation for US equivalency.
- Two (2) recommendations must be submitted electronically through the Recommendation section of the application. One letter must be from an employer or supervisor, and the second letter must be from a faculty member who has taught the candidate at the collegiate level if the candidate attended classes in the last five years; if a faculty recommendation is not possible, the second letter should be another professional recommendation.
- Submit a typed, 300-word personal statement discussing their motivation for seeking a master’s degree in view of prior formal education, current job responsibilities, and career plans.
- Mathematics preparation comparable to Framingham State University’s mathematics major including Calculus I, II, and III, Linear Algebra and Applications, Number Theory, and one (1) computer science course.
- A Massachusetts Initial License in Mathematics. This requirement will be waived for persons who are not using this degree in order to obtain teacher licensure in the State of Massachusetts.
*Typically, two mathematics courses are offered each semester. Each mathematics course is usually offered twice during each three-year cycle, with the exception of MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics, which is offered annually, and MATH 999 Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics, which is offered every semester.
- EDUC 991 Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice (usually offered)
- EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication (usually offered)
- EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation (recommended after completion of three mathematics courses) (usually offered)
- MATH 901 Foundations of Mathematics (usually offered)
- MATH 918 Elementary Number Theory for Teachers *
- MATH 928 Problem Solving for Teachers *
- MATH 999 Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics
- EDUC 991 Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice (usually offered)
- EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication (usually offered)
- EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation (recommended after completion of three mathematics courses) (usually offered)
- MATH 908 Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers I*
- MATH 910 Algebra for Middle and High School Teachers*
- MATH 933 Calculus I for Middle and High School Teachers*
- MATH 999 Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics
- EDUC 991 Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice (usually offered)
- EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication (usually offered)
- EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation (recommended after completion of three mathematics courses) (usually offered)
- MATH 807 Intermediate Statistics*
- MATH 934 Calculus II for Middle and High School Teachers*
- MATH 913 Mathematical Models of Collective Action*
- MATH 926 Geometry for Middle and High School Teachers II*
- MATH 999 Reading and Research in Higher Mathematics (usually preferable to take in the fall or spring)
Requests for a waiver of a program prerequisite or approval of transfer credit of an equivalent graduate course completed at another accredited college or university will be considered at the time of admission based on course descriptions and documentation submitted with the student’s application. Courses accepted in transfer must meet the academic criteria established by Framingham State University. A maximum of two (2) graduate courses may be accepted in transfer and applied toward a Framingham State University degree program.
Students must complete a Graduation and Comprehensive Examination Application and submit to the office of Graduate Studies.
Framingham State University
Office of Graduate Studies, Dwight Hall Rm 202
100 State Street
Framingham, MA 01701
- Application deadlines are strictly adhered to. The deadline for submitting the Graduate Application for December is August 15, May the deadline is January 15, and the August deadline is April 15.
- The Application includes both Commencement and Comprehensive Examination information.
- The Comprehensive Exam is conducted by a three-member panel and must be passed. A majority ruling determines the result.
- A student who fails the exam is given one opportunity to re-take. The repeat cannot be taken in the same semester of failure without the approval of the Dean and Program Advisor. Students must file a new application for the retake. Please see the Graduate Catalog for further details.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, students will:
Be able to analyze, assess, and develop logical arguments in a rigorous and logical manner.
Have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the nature of mathematics, its history, and its impact on civilizations.
Be able to recognize, explain, and discuss the patterns and connections between the mathematics studied in each course and the world we live in.
Be able to model complex situations arising in the classroom in a variety of ways to create better understanding of the mathematics.
Understand and appreciate the beauty, the structure, and the relationships underlying all areas of human endeavor arising from mathematics.
Be able to identify and develop a research topic based upon their teaching experiences, their course work and their readings concerning the teaching of mathematics which will culminate in thoroughly researched theses.
Meet Your Coordinator

Julie Levandosky, Ph.D.
Meet the Faculty

Julie Levandosky, Ph.D.

Robert Page, Ph.D.