Aerial view of the exterior of Larned Hall

Learning Outcomes

  • All majors will acquire interpersonal proficiency in the primary target language reaching an Intermediate High Level, according to guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in oral and listening proficiency.  Students will acquire interpersonal proficiency in the secondary target language reaching an Intermediate Low Level (according ACTFL guidelines) in oral and listening proficiency.

  • All majors will acquire interpretive proficiency in the primary target language reaching an     Intermediate High Level (according ACTFL guidelines) in reading and listening proficiency. Students will acquire interpretive proficiency in the secondary target language reaching an Intermediate Low Level (according ACTFL guidelines) in reading and listening proficiency.

  • All majors will acquire presentational proficiency (according ACTFL guidelines) in the primary target language reaching an Intermediate High Level of oral and written proficiency. Students will acquire presentational proficiency (according ACTFL guidelines) in the secondary target language reaching an Intermediate Low Level of oral and written proficiency

  • Students will be able to identify diverse cultures where the target languages are spoken.

  • All majors will develop research skills and write a research monograph in their primary language on a topic of interest related to their concentration.

Program Requirements

Program Requirements

All students must satisfy a general education requirement consisting of ten (10) courses outside of the major department. The General Education Domain I-C (Language) requirement is satisfied through the completion of the World Languages major.

Department Requirements for the World Languages and Linguistics Major (U_LL):

  • Nine (9) electives courses:
    • Students must take a minimum of nine (9) language courses in a minimum of two (2) languages other than English.

Career Opportunities

The World Languages & Linguistics prepares students for a wide-range of careers including:

World Languages student

Meet Our Faculty

Bruce Bucci

Bruce Bucci

Assistant Professor, ASL, World Languages Department
Headshot of Emilce Cordeiro

Emilce Alejandra Cordeiro, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, World Languages Department

Fei Yu, Ph.D.

Visiting Lecturer, Chinese, World Languages Department

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