Health Center Staff

Ilene Hofrenning

Ilene Hofrenning - Director

Ilene is a board certified family nurse practitioner with a Masters of Science degree in Family and Community Health Nursing from UMass Lowell. Prior to joining the staff at the Health Center in 2004 she worked as a primary care provider at a  community health center in Worcester, MA. Her professional interests include primary care, women's health and health promotion.  She has two college age sons, giving her a personal as well as a professional understanding of the issues facing college students today.

Samantha Rucki

Samantha Rucki - Administrative Assistant

Samantha Rucki has her B.A. in Sociology and Philosophy from UMass-Dartmouth. She works closely with students and parents answering immunization questions, coordinating health forms, and administrates health insurance issues. She manages the day-to-day administrative functions of the Health Center.

Anne Lyons

Anne Lyons - Nurse Practitioner

Anne is a board certified family nurse practitioner with a Masters of science degree in Nursing from Regis College and has been working at the Health Center since January 2009.  Prior to coming to FSU, Anne worked at Lahey Clinic. Anne is especially interested in women's health issues.

Sandra Dickie

Sandra Dickie - Nurse Practitioner

Sandra is a board certified family nurse practitioner with a Masters of Science degree in nursing from Simmons College.  In addition to college health issues, her professional interests include health education and women's health.