Rami Khalil, 2024 Student Commencement Speaker
Rami Khalil, 2024 Student Commencement Speaker

Student Commencement Speaker

Graduating seniors are invited to apply to be the Framingham State University undergraduate student commencement speaker each spring.  Eligible students may apply to be the student Commencement speaker by completing the application.

Application for Student Commencement Speaker will be available at the start of the spring semester.

Academic Regalia (Cap & Gown) Purchase

The base cost of the baccalaureate regalia package is $36.50. This includes the customized FSU gown, cap, and black tassel.  Our Vender Oak Hall will have the website for FSU open starting January 1, 2025 for online order.

Purchasing options for graduates:
- Walk into the University bookstore (date TBD for Spring 2025) and purchase on the spot for $36.50. See a store associate for assistance.
- Order and pay online, and choose the Ship to Bookstore option for $36.50. Your regalia will be available for pick up beginning on (Date TBD). See a store associate for assistance. Valid ID will be required for pickup.
- Order and pay online and choose the option to Ship to Home (which includes an additional shipping and handling charge of $15.95 domestic, or $60.00 international).

All students will be wearing regalia made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles! In the effort to remain green on campus, the line of graduation wear - named GreenWeaver - is made of fabric spun from molten plastic pellets. Fewer plastic bottles will be choking our landfills because for every Framingham State student walking at commencement, an average of 23 plastic bottles will be used to produce each cap and gown. With some 60 million plastic bottles going into U.S. landfills every day, Framingham State is helping to turn those bottles into keepsakes.

Students at Commencement
2024 Graduates with their academic regalia.
Photo opportunity at the 2024 Family & Friends Celebration.
Photo opportunity at the 2024 Family & Friends Celebration.

Class of 2025 graduates are invited to celebrate their achievements with family and friends on our beautiful campus. Light refreshments and photo opportunities across campus will be available!

FSU's Intercultural Ceremony is a graduation ceremony meant to celebrate the accomplishments and resilience of students of color, LGBTQ+, First-Generation, students living with disabilities. Students are able to bring friends, family, and guests to celebrate. Awards are given to students who made meaningful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) contributions to the Framingham State University community during their time here, and free identity stoles and cords are able to be reserved and distributed prior to FSU's Undergraduate Commencement. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments this past year! This year’s Intercultural Ceremony is Friday, May 23, 2025 from 5:30pm - 6:30pm in the McCarthy Center Forum.

If you'd like to participate in the 2025 Intercultural Ceremony, please fill out this survey https://framingham.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ah29YxkBdEEioPc by Friday, April 18, 2025. Please use your FSU email address for the survey. 

Family & Friends Celebration
FSU Campus Location TBD

Academic Requirements

All students who expect to receive their degree from Framingham State University are required to complete a formal degree application. The University has four (4) graduation dates. Applications are available from the Office of the University Registrar and must be submitted as follows:

May 1st                                  December graduation
September 1st                   January graduation
December 1st                     May graduation
April 1st                                August graduation

No student’s name may appear on the graduation list unless all financial debts to the University have been settled. Conferral of a degree occurs only when the Registrar finalizes the student’s academic record and confirms that all degree requirements have been met.

Please note that all students must complete all degree requirements prior to the ceremony in order to participate in Commencement. This includes having completed a minimum of 32 course-credits along with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in both the major and for the overall degree.

If you have any unresolved obligations such as library fees, student loan exit interviews, bills at the Business Office or residence hall damage, diplomas will be held until the obligation is resolved. Take care to resolve these matters prior to the end of final exams.

To complete the University course residency requirement, a minimum of eight (8) course credits (32 semester hours) must be taken at Framingham State University.

To complete a major requirement, a minimum of five (5) course credits (20 semester hours) in the major department must be taken at Framingham State University.

To complete a minor requirement, a minimum of three (3) course credits (12 semester) hours must be taken at Framingham State University.

To participate in the Commencement Ceremony all students will need to fill out the commencement ceremony participation form which will be available by April 1st.

Participation in the Commencement ceremony does not constitute conferral of the degree. Similarly, inclusion of a student's name on such publications as the Commencement program does not confirm eligibility for the degree. Completion of a Baccalaureate Degree at Framingham State University requires that all students complete a minimum of 32 course-credits to include general education and major (and minor, if any) requirements in accordance with the Course Residency Policy as well as earn an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. Students are also required to achieve a minimum 2.00 GPA in their major requirements, including major-

All students must complete all degree requirements in order to participate in Commencement ceremonies. Appeals of this requirement with regards to participation in the Commencement ceremony may be made only on one of the following basis:

A. The student has no more than two (2) courses remaining to complete degree requirements, has a minimum grade point average of 2.00, and has a highly extenuating, documented circumstance that would support a hardship exception to the requirement. The student must agree to register for and complete coursework by the December following the May Commencement Ceremony in which the student wishes to participate.


B. The student has no more than two* (2) courses remaining to complete degree requirements, has a minimum grade point average of 2.50, and the student must agree to register for and complete coursework by the December following the May Commencement Ceremony in which the student wishes to participate.

*Students who have only to complete their student teaching practicum semester may be allowed to participate in commencement and agree to register for and complete the student teaching requirement by the December following the May Commencement Ceremony in which the student wishes to participate.

Students wishing to appeal on one of these bases must do so in writing using the form at the following link:

Commencement Participation Appeal Form

The appeal must be accompanied by a printout of the student’s degree audit and other appropriate documentation and submitted to the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Development no later than May 1st. Decisions on such appeals will be made within one week of their submittal and are final.

Appeals should be submitted to the Office of the Vice President, Division of Student Success no later than May 1st. The Vice President will review appeals after the final exam period, but only if a final exam/project changes a student's status. These appeals will be considered no later than the Wednesday before commencement. The decision of the Vice President is final and will be made in writing by e-mail to the student's FSU student email account.

Please note: Participation in a commencement ceremony following successful appeal does not signify graduation (degree completion). Students who successfully appeal are not eligible to be awarded Latin honors at the ceremony as the student is not graduating at this time.

Academic Honors (Latin Honors)

To be a candidate for graduation honors, a student must have completed all degree requirements and must have completed a minimum of sixteen (16) course-credits at Framingham State University. 

The baccalaureate degree is conferred with honors upon a student with a final cumulative point average of:

  • Cum Laude: 3.25 - 3.59
  • Magna Cum Laude: 3.60 - 3.79
  • Summa Cum Laude: 3.80 - 4.00

All students graduating with honors will receive a gold honor tassel from the Dean of Students Office.

Additional information for Family and Friends


The DCU Center does not own or operate parking facilities but there are several garages and flat lots located within walking distance of the Arena and Convention Center. Below is a list of those closest for your convenience:

  • Mercantile Center Garage: 201 Commercial St.
  • Major Taylor Blvd. Municipal Garage: 30 Major Taylor Blvd.
  • Dwight Foster Parking: 27 Waldo St.
  • First American Realty Parking: 100 MLK Jr. Blvd. (formerly Central St.)
  • Pearl-Elm Municipal Garage: 20 Pearl St.
  • Worcester Common Garage: Eaton Place

Parking prices vary depending upon the event and time spent in garage.

Ample amounts of handicapped accessible parking spaces are located around the facility at designated areas. Legal placards are required to park in these spaces.

Entering the DCU Center

Students must check in by 8:15AM in the North Exhibition Hall via Door 2.

All family and guests must enter the DCU Center Arena through Doors 10-14, the main entrance at the intersection of Major Taylor Blvd and Foster Street.

Health, Safety, and Venue Policies

The 2025 FSU Commencement exercises will be a mask optional event.  Anyone wishing to wear a mask during the ceremony is encouraged to do so, but they will not be required.  The University reserves the right to change this policy if public health conditions in the location merit this action at the time of the ceremony.

Security Restrictions:

To ensure the safety and comfort of all guests attending events at the DCU Center, event attendees, including graduates will be subject to a search upon entering the facility. Please note that any persons with prohibited articles will be turned away at the entrances.

  • Any bags measuring greater than 5" X 7" will NOT be permitted into the arena, such as large purses, backpacks, knapsacks, luggage, parcels, briefcases, tablets and like articles. Medical bags and diaper bags will be allowed and will be checked prior to entry.
  • Firearms, explosives, pepper spray, or other weapons.
  • Thermoses, coolers, or other liquid containers except in cases of medical need, as certified by a physician.
  • Helium balloons, laser pens, artificial noisemakers, air horns, or megaphones.
  • Large signs, flags, poles, banners, or laser pointers.
  • Promotional items with commercial slogans or identifications.
  • Outside food and beverages are not allowed into the Arena or Convention Center.
  • Alcoholic beverages, drugs, or illegal substances.
  • Non-service animals.
  • Drones.

Event Seating

With the exception of seats that are reserved for participating faculty, alumni, graduates, and special guests of the University all seating will be considered open.

If you have a guest in a wheelchair or with specific needs that require seating considerations, he/she can opt to sit in accessible seating areas as designated by the DCU Center. One family member will be allowed to accompany that individual in the accessible seating area, in order to maximize seating opportunities for all guests and attendees. American Sign Language interpreters will be visible in all locations from projection monitors.