Welcome to the Department of Psychology and Philosophy, where our outstanding faculty offer a rich variety of courses that mirror the breadth of the discipline of psychology.
Analytical thinkers are invited to indulge their curiosity about human behavior. With a major or minor in psychology you can use the scientific method to study the mind. You’ll gain an understanding of writing; ethics; professional readiness; and research methodologies, as well as the skills to explore Big Questions. Learn critical and creative thinking; ethical reasoning; communication and collaborative engagement to serve you in your professional life.
A minor in philosophy brings you in touch with nothing less than the nature of existence, reality and knowledge. Or study the nervous system that manifests our thoughts, emotions and behaviors with a minor in neuroscience.

Mission Statement
We provide opportunities for students to study the domains of psychology and develop a skill set that includes critical and creative thinking, ethical reasoning, effective communication, collaborative engagement, and the use of the scientific method. We also seek to engage students in transformative learning opportunities such that our graduates will embrace diversity as lifelong learners and socially responsible citizens of the commonwealth, the country and the world.

Diversity Committee
The Department of Psychology and Philosophy is committed to creating a safe and enriching learning environment for students from underrepresented groups, including students of color and/or students who identify as LGBTQ+.
Our Department’s Diversity Committee has the mission to empower, educate, celebrate, and mentor students from underrepresented groups.
Specifically, the Diversity Committee seeks to:
Engage students to learn more about career paths with diversity, inclusion, and equity at the forefront.
Gather student feedback on the University climate
Create and advocate for initiatives, policies, and curricula to serve our diverse community better.
Maintain an inclusive learning community to support students of all identities and backgrounds in collaboratively promoting social justice.
Give students a voice to express concerns related to equality/equity.
Promote more inclusive teaching practices by creating a repository of teaching materials for Department faculty.
Contact Us
Nicole Carey, Administrative Assistant
O'Connor Hall Rm 216
ncarey [at] framingham.edu (ncarey[at]framingham[dot]edu)
Dr. Nicole Rossi, Chair
O’Connor Hall Rm 242
Ext. 4861
nrossi [at] framingham.edu (nrossi[at]framingham[dot]edu)
Meet Our Faculty

Nicole Rossi, Ph.D. (Sabbatical Spring 2025)

Paul Bruno, Ph.D.

Robert Donohue, Ph.D.