Program & Admissions Requirements

Program & Admissions Requirements

  • Complete the online graduate admission application.
  • Applicants must have received a bachelor’s degree with a minimum 3.00 GPA from a regionally accredited college/university and must submit all official college-level transcripts. Applicants who studies outside of the United State must submit official transcripts and a course-by-course evaluation for US equivalency. 
    • Candidates with deficiencies in the liberal arts or sciences (content area) will be required to take appropriate courses before admittance to the more advanced studies in the sequence involving teaching methods and practice.
  • Applicants must write a 300 – 500-word statement expressing their interest in Framingham State, and their academic program of choice, and provide information regarding their professional/educational background along with professional and/or academic goals. This is the best way for applicants to introduce themselves to the academic program and admissions committee. 
  • Two (2) recommendations must be submitted electronically through the Recommendation section of the application. One letter must be from an employer or supervisor, and the second letter must be from a faculty member who has taught the candidate at the collegiate level if the candidate attended classes in the last five years; if a faculty recommendation is not possible, the second letter should be another professional recommendation.
  • All applicants for the M.Ed. in Secondary Education, Concentration in Art must submit ten (10) to fifteen (15) digital images of the applicant’s artwork through Slideroom. This may include multiple slides to show detail.

The program requires a minimum of thirteen (13) courses which include: five (5) education core courses, five (5) education field study and practicum courses, and three (3) specialization content-matter courses. A timed comprehensive examination is required as the student’s culminating experience.

Required Comprehensive Exam


  • EDIL 910 Education Foundations
  • EDIL 920 Learning and Human Development
  • EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication
  • EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation
  • TESL 910 Sheltered English Immersion
  • EDIL 802 Professional Preparation Special Needs and Educational Technology
  • EDIL 900 Field Study I in Education and Seminar

For Specialization in Visual Art, Grades PreK-8

  • EDIL 819 Professional Preparation & Field Study II General and Discipline-Specific Methods for Visual Art Grades PreK-8 & 5-12
  • EDPS 868A Student Teaching Practicum & Seminar I: Visual Art Pre-K to Grade 8 (Two course credits)
  • EDPS 868B Student Teaching Practicum & Seminar II: Visual Art Pre-K to Grade 8 (Two Course credits)

For Specialization in Visual Art, Grades 5-12

  • EDIL 819 Professional Preparation & Field Study II General and Discipline-Specific Methods for Visual Art Grades PreK-8 & 5-12
  • EDPS 869A Student Teaching Practicum and Seminar I: Visual Art Grades 5-12 (Two course credits)
  • EDPS 869B Student Teaching Practicum and Seminar II: Visual Art Grades 5-12 (Two course credits)

Three (3) graduate-level electives are required. The courses will be determined in connection with the student’s area of specialization (Art, English, History, or Mathematics).



The program requires a minimum of thirteen (13) courses which include: five (5) education core courses, five (5) education field study and practicum courses, and three (3) specialization content-matter courses. A timed comprehensive examination is required as the student’s culminating experience.

Required Comprehensive Exam


  • EDIL 910 Education Foundations
  • EDIL 920 Learning and Human Development
  • EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication
  • EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation
  • TESL 910 Sheltered English Immersion
  • EDIL 802 Professional Preparation Special Needs and Educational Technology
  • EDIL 900 Field Study I in Education and Seminar

For Specialization in English, Grades 5-12

  • EDIL 821 Secondary Methods with Field Study II: English Grades 5-12
  • EDPS 861A Secondary Professional Practicum A: English Grades 5-12 (2 course credits)
  • EDPS 861B Secondary Professional Practicum B: English Grades 5-12 (2 course credits)

Three (3) graduate-level electives are required. The courses will be determined in connection with the student’s area of specialization (Art, English, History, or Mathematics).

The program requires a minimum of thirteen (13) courses which include: five (5) education core courses, five (5) education field study and practicum courses, and three (3) specialization content-matter courses. A timed comprehensive examination is required as the student’s culminating experience.

Required Comprehensive Exam


  • EDIL 910 Education Foundations
  • EDIL 920 Learning and Human Development
  • EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication
  • EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation
  • TESL 910 Sheltered English Immersion
  • EDIL 802 Professional Preparation Special Needs and Educational Technology
  • EDIL 900 Field Study I in Education and Seminar

For Specialization in History/Social Science, Grades 5-12

  • EDIL 822 Secondary Methods with Field Study II: History Grades 5-12
  • EDPS 862A Secondary Professional Practicum A: History Grades 5-12 (2 course credits)
  • EDPS 862B Secondary Professional Practicum B: History Grades 5-12 (2 course credits)

Three (3) graduate-level electives are required. The courses will be determined in connection with the student’s area of specialization (Art, English, History, or Mathematics).

The program requires a minimum of thirteen (13) courses which include: five (5) education core courses, five (5) education field study and practicum courses, and three (3) specialization content-matter courses. A timed comprehensive examination is required as the student’s culminating experience.

Required Comprehensive Exam


  • EDIL 910 Education Foundations
  • EDIL 920 Learning and Human Development
  • EDUC 998 Language Development and Communication
  • EDUC 999 Research and Evaluation
  • TESL 910 Sheltered English Immersion
  • EDIL 802 Professional Preparation Special Needs and Educational Technology
  • EDIL 900 Field Study I in Education and Seminar

For Specialization in Mathematics, Grades 5-8

  • EDIL 823 Secondary Methods with Field Study II: Mathematics Grades 5-8/8-12
  • EDPS 863A Secondary Professional Practicum A: Mathematics Grades 5-8 (2 course credits)
  • EDPS 863B Secondary Professional Practicum B: Mathematics Grades 5-8 (2 course credits)

For Specialization in Mathematics, Grades 8-12

  • EDIL 823 Secondary Methods with Field Study II: Mathematics Grades 5-8/8-12
  • EDPS 864A Secondary Professional Practicum A: Mathematics Grades 5-8 (2 course credits)
  • EDPS 864B Secondary Professional Practicum B: Mathematics Grades 5-8 (2 course credits)

Three (3) graduate-level electives are required. The courses will be determined in connection with the student’s area of specialization (Art, English, History, or Mathematics).


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the M.Ed. with a concentration in Secondary Education, students will be able to:

  • Develop well-structured lessons that have measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies.

  • Organize and analyze results from a comprehensive system of assessments to determine student progress toward intended outcomes.

  • Use a varied repertoire of practices to create structured opportunities for each of their students to meet or exceed state standards/local curriculum and behavioral expectations.

  • Use rituals, routines, and proactive responses to create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and play an active role.

  • Effectively model and reinforce ways that students can consistently master challenging material through effective effort.

  • Regularly reflect on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students.

Meet Your Coordinator and Advisors

Kelly Matthews

Kelly Matthews, Ph.D.

Professor and Secondary Education Coordinator, English Department and Liberal Studies Advisor and Coordinator
Photo of Desmond McCarthy

Desmond McCarthy, Ph.D.

Professor and Graduate Coordinator, English Department and Journalism Program Coordinator
Photo of Lori Gemeiner Bihler, Ph.D.

Lori Gemeiner Bihler, Ph.D.

Professor, History Department and Secondary Education-Affiliated Faculty, Education Department
Photo of Robert Page, Ph.D.

Robert Page, Ph.D.

Professor, Mathematics Department

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