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Information Technology Services
Our mission is to help Framingham State University be a productive and enjoyable place to learn, teach, and work by adding value as a resourceful, responsive, and competent information technology services organization.
Our professional staff and student workers pursue the fulfillment of this mission every day by collaborating with others to provide the support and infrastructure necessary for the alignment, integration and advancement of information management and technology applications within Framingham State’s academic programs, student services, and university operations.
We continually strive to work together in ways that contribute toward measurable improvements in how we perform, and how we are perceived, as a unified service organization. Our “In-IT-Together” initiative represents our commitment to continuous improvement, which is built on the foundation of a best practice service management framework and used to unify the people, processes and systems to render cohesive information technology services.

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Students, Faculty, and Staff Support
The Information Technology Services team looks forward to supporting students, faculty, and staff as they begin their Framingham State experience. ITS provides a range of help and support to enable you to make the most of our extensive IT resources during your time at Framingham State University.
We are happy to provide IT support by phone, email, online, or in person. ITS is always exploring and testing new technology to help members of the Framingham State community in their day-to-day learning and work environments.
Are you considering taking classes at FSU?
Click here to view information about technology that is available to you on campus, and technology requirements to know when you come to campus.
Faculty & Staff Members
Are you considering a career at FSU or are already hired?
Click here to view technology resources that are available to you as an employee.
IT Self-Service Portal
View our service catalog, search for questions in our Knowledge Base, or if you are an existing student or employee, submit an incident or request.
Additional IT Support Information
If you need assistance from Information Technology Services (ITS) at Framingham State University, contact us at any time by calling 508 215-5906, or send an E-mail to it [at] framingham.edu (it[at]framingham[dot]edu).
You may be able to find the answer to your question or resolve an issue quickly by going to https://myit.framingham.edu self-service portal and accessing the “search knowledge” feature. Otherwise, you may also use the IT self-service portal to report an incident or submit a request as long as you have an account with FSU. Doing so may expedite how quickly it gets assigned to the person within ITS.
During summer break, the availability of real-time support from the IT Service Desk will continue to be provided Monday through Friday between 8:00 am EST and 4:00 pm EST (except holidays) both remotely via telephone, E-mail, or video conferencing and in person from the Technology Resource Center located on the lower mezzanine of the Whittemore Library.
Sometimes a face-to-face meeting, a visit to the IT Service desk, or times when someone from IT needs to visit a physical location on campus is required. ITS personnel are available for drop-in situations, just as they usually would be. However, you can also schedule an appointment in advance, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm EST.
Access to the computers and printers in the Hemenway Hall Computer Lab room 122 is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm EST during the semester. There are also computers and printers throughout the Whittemore Library and McCarthy Student Center for use during hours of operation.
Most of the software available in the Hemenway General Computer Lab is now available in the cloud for students to access remotely at any time from a web browser. The software hosting service "Apporto" is a visual desktop environment that provides access to software such as SPSS, Access, Minitab, and more, on a virtual PC interface without downloading the software to a computer. Students, faculty, and staff may access to each hosted application at any time from on or off campus.
To access Apporto, log in at https://framingham.apporto.com/ using your Framingham State University username and password. If you do not see a software application, direct your questions to It [at] framigham.edu (It[at]framigham[dot]edu). To learn more, view the Getting Started with Apporto Guide.