Join the fRAMily Network
As you and your student begin your journey here at Framingham State, the fRAMily Network is a great resource. Our network consists of family members and supporters of current FSU students who work together to learn how to better support their students. We meet to give and receive updates about campus life and to supply you with the relevant information you need to keep you and your student as informed as possible. The fRAMily Network's ultimate goal is to provide guidance to family members and supporters so that they can better support our students as they adapt to university life.
We communicate with parents, family and other student supporters in the following ways:
- Bi-Weekly Email communications
- Access to the Framily Experience Portal
- Framily Network Meetings- Twice a semester
- Family and Guest Orientation- for families of students entering in the fall
- Events at Homecoming and Family Weekend
Join us and be part of the Framily experience!
Events & Important Dates
August 31, 2024
New Student Move-in, Family Farewell
September 1-3, 2024
New Student Orientation
September 3, 2024
Returning Students Move-in to Residence Halls
September 4, 2024
First day of classes
September 11, 2024
Last Day to Add/Drop a Semester Course
October 1, 2024
Last day to make up an Incomplete from Summer 2024
Monday, October 14, 2024
Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day, no classes
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
Internship Discovery Fair
October 25-26, 2024
Homecoming & Family Weekend
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Career Development Series: Career Kickoff: Guiding your student through interviews and resumes
November 28-29, 2024
November recess (no classes beginning @4:30 pm, November 27)
Friday, November 29, 2024
Last day to withdraw from a course/take a course credit/no credit
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Semester classes end
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Reading Day
December 13, 16-19, 2024
Final Exam period
Friday, December 20, 2024
Final Exam snow day
Frequently Asked Questions
The process of getting approved for financial aid and paying for college can be intimidating for many. To help with this process, the Financial Aid Office at Framingham State provides all of the necessary information needed to understand financial assistance. This includes: determining eligibility, types of aid offered (grants, loans, scholarships, etc.) and provides access to the forms and worksheets that may be needed to start the process. The first step in being approved for aid is to visit www.studentaid.gov and filling out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine financial assistance eligibility. Financial aid awards will be based on submitting the FAFSA by the priority deadline of March 1st each year. After applying at FSU, various scholarship opportunities may become available and are awarded based on financial need (in accordance with the FAFSA form) and/or academic records. Please be aware that each year the FAFSA will need to be renewed to determine current eligibility for financial assistance. For more information, please visit: Financial Aid.
The Student Accounts Office generates all transactions for tuition, fees, payments, and refunds (when applicable) related to your student’s account. The office will update students on a semester-to-semester basis on any account activity, with a detailed breakdown of all charges associated with enrollment and housing at FSU, and any financial aid/grant money that may be credited to the account. The myFramingham page on Framingham State’s website provides a link to Student Accounts to allow students to stay up to date on their account status. Students should be encouraged to do so, as semester bills paid on time ensures an active seat in enrolled courses. For more information please, visit Student Accounts.
Your student’s safety is important to Framingham State University and many factors come into play that help to keep students safe. All students on campus have access to “Code Blue” phones that are located throughout the campus in parking lots, foyers of each residence hall, and the exteriors of academic buildings. These phones are a direct link to the Framingham State Police Department located on campus. FSUPD also offers training programs in self defense and crisis situations for those that are interested. For those students residing on campus, Area Directors, Resident Assistants, and Security Desk Attendants in all residence halls help to implement strategies in safety and compliance among resident students and any visitors. For example, all resident students are required to swipe an access card to enter their residence hall, while all resident visitors will have to be signed in at the front desk with a valid form of I.D. This helps to ensure that all persons entering the halls are authorized to do so and allows for a log of who is in the building at all times. For more information, please visit Safety and Security.
In addition to services employed by Framingham State University in striving to achieve a safe and secure campus, students are also asked to become familiar with policies, rules, and regulations enforced on campus and the methods used in handling misconduct. These standards have been put in place for safety reasons, but also to help foster a respectful community while encouraging students to become active contributors to a safe campus environment. While students are expected to read through the Ram Handbook, especially to become familiar with Policies and Procedures and the Student Code of Conduct, it is recommended that parents do so as well. Additionally, for those students residing on campus, please review The Guide to Residence Living, which provides detailed information on all aspects of residence life, including: residence life policies, procedures, and important dates.
As a parent, being informed of the services offered to your student at Framingham State helps to send your student in the right direction when they are in need of help. The Advising Center on campus is an essential resource for your student in keeping them on track. Additionally, CASA, (The Center for Academic Success and Achievement) is a vital resource for students to receive extra support in any academic area and has proven to be a useful tool for a successful academic experience. Through CASA, students can utilize Academic Success Programs such as Academic Coaching that helps to teach valuable techniques in setting goals, time management, and study strategies. Students may also receive assistance in the form of peer-led Supplemental Instruction and tutoring sessions, as well as professional Math and Writing tutoring sessions. Disability/Access services are also available through CASA for those students with a documented disability. Please visit CASA for more information.
Other helpful resources are available to students, such as the Henry Whittemore Library that offers a quiet place to study while providing access to an abundance of print and web-based materials to aid in class assignments. ITS (Information Technology Services) is also available to help students with any computer related or printing issues and should be utilized when needed. Students should be encouraged to use these various resources to help maximize their experience while attending FSU.
Whether it’s receiving assistance in choosing a major, creating resumes and cover letters, or job-search in the field of their choice, The Office of Career Development is there to help your student with these tasks. The office provides one-on-one counseling and advising support/guidance, as well as other resources, such as assessments that can help to identify careers your student may be best suited for, assistance in exploring the internship process, as well as assistance with graduate school applications. Please visit Career Development to learn more. This is where your student will also be able to access FSU’s Handshake–FSU’s online job-posting database. This database allows students to search for full and part-time jobs located on or off campus, work-study positions, and also internships. Handshake also has the option for students to post their resumes for employers to view, to help facilitate their job search. Please contact Career Development for any questions you may have.
While attending college, it is important for your student to have access to social resources at their fingertips. Support systems are an integral part of the college experience and can aid in maximizing the campus experience for students. Sports are an excellent way for your student to become a part of a great camaraderie among their peers. Various NCAA Division III sponsored athletic opportunities are available to your student, including football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, track, and many more. An array of intramural sports are also available to participate in. For those students looking to enhance their personal fitness regimen, a juice bar is located on the lower level of the Athletic and Recreation Center, while the upper level of the facility houses a weight room with Nautilus machines, cardio equipment, and free weights in addition to two rooms used for aerobics and dance classes. For more information on the athletic center and athletic opportunities offered at FSU, please visit Athletics.
In addition to athletics at FSU, various student organizations are available to your student as well, and provide a type of social support system for those involved in them. The Student Experience Office offers leadership programs to become involved in, such as the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Framingham State Activities Board (FSAB). There are dozens of organizations to choose from including: The English Club, FSU Dance Club, the Afro-Caribbean Dance Group, Black Student Union, African Student Association, Pride Alliance, and many more! To view a listing of most clubs and organizations, as well as their upcoming events, please visit: RamLink.
Framingham State is committed to inclusivity for everyone on campus—students, faculty, and staff alike, and is committed to fostering a community that values equality, fairness, and social justice for all. FSU believes that institutional excellence is achieved through the cultivation of an environment where all individuals of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives are recognized, valued, and supported. The Division of Inclusive Excellence at FSU is an instrumental element in leading these efforts. Under this division you can find the Center for Inclusive Excellence (CIE), which is an organization at Framingham State dedicated to promoting inclusivity among the richly diverse members of FSU. The CIE offers a variety of resources and opportunities for students to discuss a multitude of topics and current events. Under the Division of Inclusive Excellence you can also find the Council on Diversity and Inclusion, as well as the Bias Education Response Team (B.E.R.T), which addresses incidences of bias and develops strategies in informing and educating the campus in regards to these types of incidents. Additionally, FSU hosts various events throughout the year, which feature educators, authors and speakers to help educate and spread awareness throughout the community on important matters, such as equality and inclusivity. For more information about these departments and topics relating to inclusivity, please visit: Inclusive Excellence.
There are various lots across campus for both commuters and residents. Once issued a parking permit, students will be advised which parking lots are available to them, depending on their resident/commuter status. Transportation services are available through the RAM Tram, which is available seven days a week and starts their loops around the parking lots on campus at 6:10 a.m. and runs through 2 a.m. The RAM Tram also offers shuttle services to and from popular locations that are close to campus, such as Target, Shopper’s World, and the Natick Mall. Schedules for these shuttle services can be found by visiting: Transportation.
The Counseling Center on campus is available to meet the needs of the students, whether those needs are related to the college transition, depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, sexuality/gender identity, eating disorders, etc. The center is staffed by licensed mental health practitioners as well as administrative support and graduate interns in social work. Students may come to the counseling center to help themselves, or to discuss concerns and receive advice related to a peer or a family member. Students may use the services of the counseling center with assurance that their personal information/records are kept completely confidential. For more information about the Counseling Center please visit: Health and Wellness.
Please note: The Health Center follows a policy of strict confidentiality and medical records will not be released to family members. Information is only released with written consent of the student or as required by law. To read about Health Information Privacy, please visit HIPAA at: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/index.html.
The Health Center on campus provides primary care services and is staffed by board-certified nurse practitioners. All students, regardless of insurance are able to seek medical care. Whether your student is sick, injured, or simply has a health related question, the Health Center is there to help and is able to provide a variety of health-education materials relating to stress management, STI’s, birth control, etc. For more information please visit: Health and Wellness.
Please note: The Health Center follows a policy of strict confidentiality and medical records will not be released to family members. Information is only released with written consent of the student or as required by law. To read about Health Information Privacy, please visit HIPAA at: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/index.html.
Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), most educational records are only available to the student and all others would be denied access. However, please be aware that certain student information is considered “Directory Information” and this type of information is available to the public upon request, unless your student requests in writing not to have this information disclosed without their written consent.
- Student Name
- Address/Phone Number
- University email address
- Dates of attendance
- Major field of study
- Enrollment status (F/T, P/T),
- Class standing (if undergraduate)
- Degrees/Awards
- Most recent previous educational institute attended
- Participation in any officially recognized activities and sports
Please note: For those students seeking to gain access to their academic records: Under FERPA, schools must generally afford students who are 18 years or over access to these records and provide some control over the disclosure of the information therein. For questions or concerns in all matters pertaining to academic records, students should contact the Office of the Registrar.