Professional Licensure Programs

Requirements for Professional Licensure:

License + Time
three years of teaching under the Initial license in the same field and at the same level

+ Degree
master’s degree

+ Continuing Education
12 graduate credits (3 FSU graduate courses) meeting SMK Guidelines for the license

* To advance an Initial license to Professional, the graduate degree must contain twelve graduate credits (3 FSU graduate courses) meeting Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) guidelines for the license. If your chosen M.Ed. allows electives, work closely with your advisor to ensure that you are meeting the twelve-credit requirement for the Professional license.

** Professional licensure candidates who already hold a master’s degree must work closely with an advisor or consult the licensure officer to ensure meeting the twelve-credit requirement for the Professional license.

Professional Licensure Programs:
(return to top of page)
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  1. Applicants must have a master’s degree or be enrolled in a master’s degree program.
  2. Complete three 4-credit graduate courses (within or outside a master’s degree program) meeting Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) requirements for the license.
  3. Courses used to obtain the Initial license through a program at Framingham State University may not be used for the 12 credits in this Professional program.

Educator Licensure and Placement Office

O'Connor Hall 125
Ms. Sandra Shaw, Director
Educator Placement and Licensure
Phone:   508 626 4573