How to Form A New Organization

  1. Fill out the Intent to Register Form and submit on RamLink. ONLY THE PRIMARY CONTACT/FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION CAN FILL OUT AND SUBMIT THE FORM. For this form to be accepted, you MUST have at least 2 Founding Members.
  2. You will need to schedule two meetings: one with the Club Coordinator and one with a Student Events Coordinator (SCE). Your meeting with the Student Events Coordinator will be to book your tentative room, day(s), and time(s) for club meetings. During your meeting with the Club Coordinator your Organization Constitution will be drafted. Also during this meeting you will go over training including RamLink & Funding, Organization Emails, Day Trips & Overnight Trips, Events, and Marketing. Your Organization name, contact info, and tentative location will then be provided to the Gatepost and/or Campus Happenings for print in their next issue.
  3. Have all members of your Organization fill out an Anti-Hazing Form & an Organization Officer Form located on the home page of RamLink.
  4. You will be provided with access to your Organization email and RamLink account after your constitution is approved. You will be emailed by the Club Coordinator with this information. Your Organization accounts will then be set up and the Club Coordinator will be in touch when ready.


*Please note that these steps to create a new organization may change from year to year. If you have any questions, please contact EXP at

Thank you!

The Center for Student Experience & Career Development
McCarthy Center, Room 510
(Phone) 508-626-4615